If you want to learn how to make smart financial decisions, save more and eliminate debt, you’re in luck. Today,…
If you want to learn how to make smart financial decisions, save more and eliminate debt, you’re in luck. Today, there are plenty of online personal finance classes offering money-management lessons.
Still, “people need to keep in mind that online personal finance courses should be seen as an education resource and not specific personal financial advice,” says Drew Feutz, a certified financial planner at Market Street Wealth Management Advisors in Indianapolis. “The information learned from taking a personal finance course should be applied within the context of your own financial situation, rather than following everything that is taught 100% to a T.”
“Some things that you learn about in a personal finance course may not be applicable to you or may not be appropriate to implement in your own life,” Feutz adds, noting that too often, people read or hear something from a personal finance expert or a course that they are compelled to act on.
However, some personal finance class lessons can not only help you boost your money-management skills but also inspire you to reflect on saving and spending patterns and help you build a strong foundation for future success.
[See: 12 Steps to Achieve Financial Freedom.]While some personal finance classes require a fee, fortunately they generally offer a high return on investment if you apply the information you learn to improve your finances. For this reason, you may want to consider learning more about topics such as Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit and strategies for eliminating credit card debt in an enriching online course.
With that in mind, here are 12 worthwhile online personal finance courses:
— Financial Peace University.
— Suze Orman’s Personal Finance Online Course.
— Brigham Young University’s personal finance courses.
— Udemy.com’s personal finance courses.
— Purdue University’s Planning for a Secure Retirement.
— Duke University’s Behavioral Finance Course.
— The University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign’s Financial Planning for Young Adults.
— Alison.com’s Financial Literacy Course.
— Smart About Money courses.
— Money Skills.
— Khan Academy’s personal finance classes.
— Personal Finance by Missouri State University.
Financial Peace University
Cost: $129.99 after a 14-day free trial.
Why it’s worth considering: If you’re …….
Source: https://wtop.com/news/2021/07/12-best-personal-finance-courses/